You are man. You are still a mortal. You are still entangled between the twisted tentacles of this man-made social mind, which is truly morbid yet mundane. And henceforth, it will forever be. Truly, you don't deserve to belong to this philanthropic circus of silly human emotions, which goes on and on incessantly, quite restless with a little smile, a drop of tear, and a stroke of mascara till the day you come to realise that it's all gone... And then, it's all gone.
Nothing remains... at least for you to sense at the end of it all. The last thing that you would want to sense, or feel, or even think about before you leave your last breath is peace, satisfaction and joy. Or maybe 'something' which includes all the three. You do anything, and everything, and all the things that you can to seek that 'something' in your life. Maybe, that is just all you can ever understand about the reason of your existence. And that's the end of it, till you still breathe, till you still think, and till you are still mortal.
You love a woman. You say you love her more than anything else in this world. You say you love her more than your own self. You say you could die without her. This much love, empathy and feeling oozes out of your heart just for your lady love. You do it all in love, with love, for love, just to catch a glimpse of her sparkling eyes lost in you. And this is what brings You sheer happiness. And this joy, almost an inexplicable whirlpool of intoxicating emotions is what you keep striving for till you leave your last breath.
You help someone. You find a job for a poor crippled. He is forever grateful to a good man like you. He is ignorant of how to repay your blessing on him. He finds a reason to live once more. He is painfully happy, maybe a great deal more than that. And that is what brings your soul some uninvited satisfaction. And this satisfaction, almost an inexplicable whirlpool of intoxicating emotions is what you keep striving for till you leave your last breath.
You love your child. He is the one in whom you would want to see Your goodness. He is the one who you would want to believe in the most. He is the one in whom you would want to see a man. You will to struggle, and sacrifice, and even go through pain just to keep a smile on your child's white face. You will to give it all just for him. You protect him from all enemies. You provide him with all necessities. You pamper him with all luxuries. Just out of sheer love, or maybe something more than that. You teach him, you scold him, you mould him into the best he can be. You'll be there when he needs you the most. You'll yet be there when he needs you no more. You'll still still be there when he knows not what he needs. This is how much you love your child just to see him happy. Just to see him a good man. And that is what brings You peace. And this peace, almost an inexplicable warmth of placidity, chastity and freedom is what you keep striving for till you leave your last breath.
You are man. You have a mother. You have a father. And all of you are just tiny parts of a big big machinery, which works just as fine as everything else in this world. And by now of course you ought to know how everything else works in this world!
Even if you think that you are son of Morpheus, the god of dreams, you cannot dream beyond what satisfies your soul, brings you joy, or your mind at peace. You still remain a part of this knot. You have to. You are a good man. You know the value of love. You know the virtue of helping fellow mortals. You know the joy of seeing others happy. And all these qualities indeed make you a good man. But how often do you realise that you really make an effort to show off these special qualities of a good man given to you by your good breed, just because of your own self? Because of your own satisfaction; Because of your own happiness; Because you want to be at peace with your own soul. Still, you struggle. Still, you fight. Still, you strive. You are, still a man.