E acH draG brinGiN' eteRnitY a li'L cloSeR ;
A lthO' everY puRplE droP oF blooD begS foR meRcY,
C harreD seNseS makE teaRleSS zombiEs oF crippleD meN,
E verY singlE straW of flesH shRiekS froM heLL, likE GoD...
R uineD pieceS oF mY rusteD minD
E ngulF foRgotteN desiReS oF thiS pitifuL souL...
S oaRiN' dreamZ hidE beneatH tE sulleN clouDs, ...anD,
T imiD minDs don'T stanD a chancE nO morE...
S ilhouttE oF mY nailS makE lineS iN veRmillioN gorE !
A ll comeS, aLL goeS, leaviN' nonE but nothiN' behinD !
M ightY mazeS thaT mesmeRizE, tE joY ain'T wortH tE paiN...
O verwhelmiN' mY poweR, mY strength, ...tE TrutH !
N inE liveS foR tE velveT caT, lyK He playS thiS rutHleSS gamE...
G ivE mE ThY wisdoM, thO' i neeD nonE tO indulgE iN thiS bliSSfuL shamE!
U topian depthS oF darKneSS keeP hauntinG ouR minDleSS headS...
S tiLL, wE fathoM noT whY... peAce restS amonG uS...
Wrote this when i had completely nOthiN' to do...!! head wuz high on hashiish... n' tE mind wuz goin' insane, ...my restless soul wanted to shout out some words, unheard...
ReplyDeleteTho't of a new style of expression... Read tE first letters of each line... n' say what ye want...!