Jul 18, 2020

Cyclist’s Rhythm

[Background music – Uplifting rhythm and musical beats made with mostly cycle sounds like cycle bell, cycle chain sound, cycle stand sound, metal sounds etc. slowly increasing pace][Inspiration from AR Rahman’s track from MF Hussain movie Meenaxi]

Quick shots of different people (newspaper wala, milkman, dhobi, clerk, postman, mistry, security guard, cycle rickshaw wala etc.) riding cycle from rider’s POV/OTS, alternated with quick shots of a cycle mechanic fixing a kid’s cycle (chains and tyres) with more cycles, cycle vans, cycle rickshaws visible in the background. [Short cuts get quicker and increase in frequency with the cycle beats increasing tension in screenplay]

[Last scene] The same kid is riding the repaired cycle in full speed on a busy road with a huge smile on his face as if he is flying like a free bird. [Music has reached the crescendo in full high pace][3 shots of the kid riding the cycle at full speed][Wide-shot][Mid-shot][POV-shot] Suddenly he stumbles on a pothole and falls on the road precariously. [Music stops abruptly with a screeching of bus tyres applying sudden brakes]

[cut to Black Screen][pin-drop silence]



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